Man, it is so hard to write today's date. I remember I was on the way to Mass with all 5 kids, the youngest being 3 months old and she had such a major spit up that got every where and I realized I didn't have a change with me. We were closer to home than church so I just turned around and headed back home. Then my husband called and said I think there was a plane crash somewhere in Arlington. That was the plane going into the Pentagon. So I turned on the TV and spent the rest of the day weeping and on line and trying to keep some semblance of order with my kids. I remember it was a gorgeous day out but I didn't want the kids to go out. I was afraid of the sky! Even though they had grounded all planes by then.
Anyway, I didn't mean to go on about that!
What I did mean to post about is a couple of simple things I carry with me that help reduce trash.
These are my little bamboo cutlery set and a handkerchief I carry with me all the time. You don't need to buy a bamboo set like I did. I know people who just take cutlery from home and wrap them in a bandanna and use that. But the organic grocery chain in my area carries these, so I bought some for stocking stuffers. I eat out at least once a week for lunch. And since I avoid gluten, usually I am getting salads or bowls. So instead of resorting to the plastic forks and knives at the restaurant*, I use mine own. I wipe them off with my handy hankie (which also comes in handy for lots of other reasons too!). I do like bamboo because it is naturally anti-bacterial, so I don't fill so icky if I forget to take it out and wash it in between uses.
If you have lots of young children and are always dealing with wiping noses, etc, I say buy disposable tissue but make sure it is from recycled paper. But the minute you can, switch to hankies. They really are a better alternative. I hate finding used tissues or old crumpled up tissues in the bottom of my purse or by the bedside. Hankies actually seem cleaner to me now. And again, with cloth napkins and dish towels, they can be tossed into any wash. They really aren't the least bit inconvenient if you are doing wash anyway. And admit it, you are already doing wash! Added bonus! Hankies don't shred all over the clothes if you forget to clean out a pocket!
My portable cutlery and my hankie are two little daily actions I've managed to incorporate into my life. I struggled with a lot of the changes. So every time I use them, I feel good. I feel like I am saying to God: "Thank you God for everything! See, I'm trying to be a good steward in my own tiny way!"
* My strategies for different restaurants:
Chipotle - I order the bowl but then bring home the cardboard bowl and aluminum top. They do not recycle or compost at my local Chipotle even though they have trashcans labeled as such. So I bring them home, compost the cardboard bowl and recycle the aluminum lid. I use my own bamboo fork and knife
CAVA - if you are eating in, you can ask for a real bowl. That's what I usually try to do. But if I am getting take out, I do the same thing as I do with Chipotle. Again, I use my own bamboo fork and knife.
Panera - if you are eating in, they'll give you real dishes and real cutlery. Instead of using a paper or plastic cup for the drink, ask for a mug. They have real coffee mugs which I use for any drink from hot coffee to water.
Five Guys - I get the lettuce wrapped burger. Everything comes in paper so I throw it away. But at least I don't resort to plastic eating there. I use my water bottle to get tea.
Elevation Burger - I don't know if this is a local chain or not. But there is one 10 minutes from me and it has a really delicious 'Paleo burger' which is wrapped in lettuce with avocado and other things. Like Five Guys, everything comes in paper. I just avoid the drinks, use my own water bottle or I buy a juice or soda in a glass bottle and bring home to recycle. Some times these lettuce wrapped things get very messy so I sometimes need to resort to my handy dandy fork and knife.
Ben and Jerry's - They don't have gluten free cones but you can get a scoop of ice cream in a paper cup (as opposed to plastic). They even supply wooden spoons, so no plastic there! But I still can just use my own bamboo spoon I bring where ever I go.
Cultivating Care for God's Creation by Living Intentionally
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Mondays with Laudato Si'- 12/30/19
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